Thursday, January 12, 2012


Perhaps the Butler’s outburst yesterday shamed the Hospital staff to work more efficiently.  In any event, Mario’s test results came back much more quickly than expected, and his oncologist called him today with the good news.
Good Test Results
First the bone marrow biopsy done on Monday did not show any cancer.  This is very, very good news.  MR. FOG was concerned that Mario would have to battle at another cancer location.  Fortunately, it seems not.  The trio breathed a big sigh of relief.  We were due some good news and this was truly appreciated.
Also, a PET scan was done to help detect any other areas with cancer and give us a better image of the liver.   The Lord’s PET scan did not detect cancer in any other part of the body except, of course, for the tumor in the leg.  The liver is still inconclusive.  As you may recall, Mario had two lesions on his liver.  Mario’s oncologist hoped to determine if these lesions are cancerous by using the PET scan.  The imaging did not cooperate, so we do not know and the results are inconclusive.  In any event, the chemo therapy should attack these, as well as any other undetected cancer cells.
Hopefully we only have to battle the cancerous tumor, which will be enough of a battle
More signatures on the Gator Hope Chest
We had a nice family evening at home.  Mario’s mother and brother, Jane and Phillip, came over and the trio became a quintet.  Mr. FOG over did it on the food.  He went to COSTCO and while he only bought needed foods and mostly healthy things, the warehouse quantities are big. 
The Lord and Phillip were the chefs and prepared a baby spinach salad, chicken breasts stuffed with sundried tomatoes and goat cheese, roasted sweet and regular potatoes, carrots, green beans, and apple pie.
Phillip and Jane added their signatures to the Gator Hope chest.  A family picture follows

1 comment:

  1. Great news! Now on to the Final Four in New Orleans! --MaryLou
