Since the Mist's last post things have been relatively quiet. Nurse Sherry has been working this week and his Lordship has been resting and working from home.
Yesterday afternoon his Lordship developed a fever. When Nurse Sherry took his temperature it was 100.4. Sherry got on the phone with Dr. Tran and Mist tried an old remedy of the ice cold wash cloth on the forehead. Thirty minutes later the fever had risen to 101.8 and Dr. Tran immediately advised to go to the ER. Mist and Nurse Sherry took his Lordship to Piedmont Hospital right away.
A fever, even a slight one, after having chemo treatments is a sign of infection. They have to act quickly to get fluids and antibiotics in his system. They drew five viles of blood for testing, started an IV and his temperature had risen to 103.1. They gave him a 30 minute drip of antibiotics and shortly after that his temperature began to drop and the sweating began.
The blood results came back showing his white blood cell count was VERY LOW. His immune system is low and he is susceptible to infection. They cultured the blood to see if anything is growing but it takes approx 48 hours for the results. With a very low white blood count, a few more tests and scans, and awaiting the culture results, they admitted his Lordship to the hospital for the weekend.
Knowing he was in good hands and the fever had broken, Nurse Sherry and Mist headed back home around 1:30am. As of 11am Friday morning, he still remains in the ER and is waiting for a hospital room. They informed him that it may be this evening before he gets into his room. His mother and grandmother will visit him this morning and Nurse Sherry will be there around lunch time.
Mist will keep you posted on how the weekend goes. Keep his Lordship in your prayers. Thanks to all.
Signing off,
Maid of the Mist
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