The Lord, Butler, and Nurse have been going to hospitals and doctor’s offices, seeing others dealing with a variety of illnesses, mostly cancers. A sense of camaraderie or solidarity develops with others who are also fighting cancer. Race, gender, social class, it does not matter. We are all cancer warriors. It is a cancer fraternity/sorority of sorts and we are all unwilling conscripts in this unfair war. You have no choice but to fight and fight fiercely or die.
Images of the Polish “Solidarnosc” or Walk for the Cure may convey this feeling better. .
This solidarity certainly developed with Mr. FOG’s friends, a couple now battling lung cancer. While Mr. FOG has been very concerned for months about his friend’s life threatening illness, a stronger kinship has developed since Mario was also diagnosed with cancer. Having to deal with a similar threat, Mr. FOG now has a better appreciation of what the couple has been going through. They have been traveling this cancer road now for many months and are now war hardened veterans. The Lord, Nurse Sherry and Mr. FOG are new to the war, only just starting their tour of duty. As the lung cancer veterans, they did not ask to be drafted or volunteer for this fight.
Likewise, the friend battling lung cancer, knows how hard this war can be, and she offered whatever help she could to Lord, Nurse, and Butler, the new recruits. Just knowing that others have traveled down this road, care about you and are praying for you is a great comfort and a powerful weapon in this battle. Thanks to all.
Today at the Piedmont Suite
All is well with the Laird today. He has been working and receiving visitors. Jane and Alyssa came to visit around lunch time, coinciding with a visit by Nurse Sherry. The ESPN crew arrived, far too many other friends for Mr. FOG to keep track. The was a Chris, Jay , Jenn and Randall, but he left out several guys. Perhaps Mario should have have gotten the presidential suite. Mario had a great time with his friends.
Mr. FOG is considering stocking appetizers and libations for our visitors.
Red Devil
Mario has received various medicines/poisons, but the star of the show is Doxorubicin. Red Devil as his friends call him, is being pumped into Mario, 24 hours a day through Thursday. Here is his/her publicity photo and bio. Sorry no autographs, only after effects.

Mr. FOG is considering stocking appetizers and libations for our visitors.
Red Devil
Mario has received various medicines/poisons, but the star of the show is Doxorubicin. Red Devil as his friends call him, is being pumped into Mario, 24 hours a day through Thursday. Here is his/her publicity photo and bio. Sorry no autographs, only after effects.

Doxorubicin’s nick name is "red devil" due to its red color. It also known as "red death", hopefully due to its cancer killing properties. Follow the link and read Red Devil's interesting history.
He/She has Italian and French ancestry and has a linage going back hundreds of years, although Red Devil was not discovered until the 1950’s. He/She is also an orphan drug —so sad. However, since Mario also has Italian ancestry perhasp he and Red Devil share a kinship.
Mr. FOG does not like Doxorubicin, but he likes the cancer even less, so for the time being we are allies with Doxorubicin. The enemy of my enemy……Soon they won't be able to pump any more poisons into Mario and still have him alive. So as best we can tell he will be discharged on Friday morning or so, when the last of the Mesna, the anti-nausea medicine is given. Fortunately Mario has not had any ill effects to date. Nurse Sherry did notice that his cheeks are flushed.
We're all there with you, in thoughts and prayers at least...
ReplyDeleteThanks mary lou. We are doing OK