Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Given the Laird's Chemo schedule, his Orange and Blue grilling birthday party had to be postponed until Saturday, June 23.  He was well enough to be put to work on his new stainless steel grill shown in the background. 

Hopefully soon, the grill will have a place at Mario and Sherry's new home.  For the time being the grill will be safeguarded by Lady Jane at the Laird's ancestral Tipperary Trail Manor House. 

The guest list included all the usual characters you have come to love from the Blog; Mario, Nurse Sherry, Tom, Dan, Jay, Chris, Jenn, Mike, Heather, Phillip, Bettina, and Lady Jane. 
Below Lade Jane, Duke Dan, Earl Tom of Coors, Nurse Sherry, and Duchess Bettina are pictured.
Duchess Bettina has to be given credit for the orange and blue Gator decor.  The Tipperary Trail Manor House was decorated with all kinds of Gator swag just for Mario  His Gator grilling apron may well be the pièce de résistance.
One the sports scene, Tom the Earl of Coors and Prince Phillip of the House of Rum and Coke took their game of Cornhole very seriously as the photo shows. It also looks as if Georgia made it to the Orange and Blue party.
In the background  Nurse.Sherry's IPod played out some hot tunes to match th ehot temperatures.


Mario was on the new grill cookin' up some execellent fare, this, plus the dishes that Lady Jane made, rounded out the menu.  The party goers had grilled shrimp and pineapple on skewers, chips and peach or mild salsa, grilled flank steak, grilled mojo chicken, tomato and watermelon Salad, Danish potato salad, grilled corn on the cob, and chocolate cupcakes as the for birthday caket. Mr. FOG sampled the leftovers and can vouch that the chicken, Danish potato salad, roasted corn and cupcakes were most excellent

 Libations included white wine, various imported and domestic beers, FireFly vodka and lemonade, vodka and club soda with lime, rum and Coke Zero, and homemade iced tea.    .  In the photo Lady Jane shows off the shrimp and pineapple.

Fish Cat Float Tube
Birthdays are not about the gifts, but the camaraderie.  Still, Mario received some nice gifts including a float tube for flyfishing, blue and white board shorts for the summer, PJ Pants with little fish on them, a Smoothie King and Bass Pro Shop gift cards, golf shoes and cooler, and the grill he will enjoy for years to come.

This week his Lordship is back int he hospital for Chemo #8, the last one and Mr. FOG is back at his mountain home. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012


His Lordship’s friend Adam a.k.a. “Batman” from Gotham City (New York City) sent Mario this Super Mario figure customized with the University of Florida colors of orange and blue.   Surely aided by a Super Mario, his Lordship will beat the cancer.

 Mr. FOG thinks that when he was young and had a full head of hair he may have a looked a little like the figure, but he did not have a handle bar mustache as Super Mario does.  Coincidentally, Mr. FOG’s middle name is Luis, very close to Luigi and his father’s side of the family is from Genoa, Italy.   Perhaps there is a connection???

Gator Nation

Mr. FOG just returned back to Atlanta from Gainesville, Florida; Gator Country USA, to be with Lordship for a blood transfusion.    Fortunately while he was there, the weather was mercifully cooler than the normal hot humid summers typical of the area. 

He was down there doing work on his rental condo and where he went to college.  Reembering back 40 years , it was his first time, besides summer camp, of being away from home and making his own life decisions.  It was liberating and exciting.   The college years were also a stressful time in his life, deciding on career, and selecting a spouse; but it was the best time of Mr. FOG's life.   Gainesville has changed much from the early 1970s when Mr. FOG and Lady Jane went to school there.  Back then it was a sleepy college town with lots of hippies, Vietnam War protestors, and Hare Krishnas.  These people are gone, changed andblended in, dead, or in hiding.  Unfortunately no one interesting and new has taken their place.  . 
Vampire Activities

Mario tried to get out of it, but a pre transfusion blood test showed his hemoglobin count of 7.5, so the blood transfusion was a definite go.  Mario does not like having other peoples’ blood being put into him.  FOG had not thought about it, but I can’t say that I blame him.  We are told not to exchange bodily fluids, so one can well understand his aversion to a blood tranfusion, but you do what you have to.  He needed the red blood cells and his body was not making them fast enough, so he needed them from somebody.  We did not think that the blood came from a homeless alcoholic.  More likely his blood came from a university student or an office worker; or at least we hope.  His vitals were good and his white blood cells were back to work and in full force protecting his body from any alien invaders.  After the blood transfusion of two units of packed cells, his Lordship treated himself and Mr. FOG to lunch.
Chemo Number 8

It is hard to believe that Chemo number 8 begins next Monday and hsi Lordship goes back onece more to the Piedmont Hospital Hilton.  It seems we just had Chemo Number 7.  The good news is that this will be the last. 
Over the weekend, Lady Jane has planned a Barbeque Birthday Party to celebrate his Lordship’s birthday which was earlier this month, but coincided with Chemo Number 7.   The Blog’s star reporter Sherry Lane will be at the party there to report on the latest family goings on, fashion trends, and foods.  Look for her story on a future Blog posting.
Cards and Well Wishes

As usual the cards, gifts and food items were awaiting Mr. FOG.  Adam, a.k.a Batman, in addition to the customized orange and blue Super Mario, found a University of Florida ice bucket from Sidebar, THE Gator Bar in New York City.  Mr. Fog will have to find this Gator watering hole next time he is up there.  He usually tries having his cheesecake and pastrami sandwich fix while up there, along with a Broadway show or two; but perhaps the Sidebar  will have both an Orange and Blue ambiance plus these New York City delicacies. 
Other surprises were:  Mary Lou and Jim shared a Brownie Sampler from Dancing Deer Baking Company and Lord and Nurse saved some for the Butler.  Bobbie, Jeff and Brandon sent a very nice sentimental “thinking of you” card, which contrasted nicely the Jim and Ellen’s “teats and ass” card featuring a cow and jack ass.  A Happy Birthday card rounded out the card ensemble.  NOTE:  The champagnes were added for artistic purposes and were wedding gifts.

Friday, June 15, 2012


We saw Mario’s oncologist on Wednesday.  As expected, this being the tenth day since the start of chemo # 7, his white blood cells were nearly depleted.  However, the blood transfusion he received while in the hospital kept his red blood cell count higher than it would otherwise be.  A follow-up blood check has been schedule for Monday, June 18.  Hopefully we will dodge a transfusion.  The doctor said that we should not be concerned about hypotension (low pressure), many things can cause a low reading and his vitals are back to a normal range.  The cancer treatment plan is still the same.  Chemo #8, the last, thank goodness, will begin on Monday, June 25.  In mid-July, Mario will have a PET Scan and other imaging tests to see if the cancer is still detectable.  In addition to the leg tumor, Mario’s oncologist will be looking to see if the lesions detected on the liver are still there. 

On the job front, Mario went into work on Tuesday and stayed about 12 hours.  He enjoyed going in to work and being with colleagues, but it was too long of a day for him.  He crashed when he got home and was running on fumes the next day.  All things considered, Mario actually has looked pretty good and the symptoms generally have been less severe during the last two chemos.  We may be getting to the point that a full-time Butler is no longer needed for the enire or every chemo recovery period.  the Butler may instead be  “on call”, since he is about four-hour drive away.  With his Lordship doing OK, Mr. FOG left on Thursday for Gainesville, Florida to take care of some business matters for a few days.
In any event, we are happily at the end of the road with regard to the chemotherapy with only one more to go.  The radiation treatments scheduled for August should not be nearly as difficult for his Lordship.  We are now hoping for good results from the cancer imaging and a recovery, of nerve function in the foot and leg. The nerve and muscle function recovery may be slow we have been warned.  

Happy Birthday

The Lord had a quiet birthday at home with Nurse Sherry, Jay, Tom, and Dan.  His birthday was right after he got out of the hospital and a small celebration at home seemed best.  No Prickly Pear Margarita Party, but we did have a very nice taco dinner prepared by Mario and Nurse Sherry.  Mr. FOG took a break and enjoyed the dinner.  Later in the month there will be a bigger celebration at Lady Jane’s place, with a new Bar-BQ grill.  For presents so far, Mario got a cooler for the golf cart, golfing shoes, fishing pants, and other unknown presents still to come.   If your present was not mentioned, it is as usual entirely Mr. FOG's fault.

Mario’s birthday cards included a potpourri of sentiments and images.  The colorful Monkey Card and Real Man Bear produced a laugh.  A talking Hangover movie card reminded us of this funny cult movie.  The more sentimental cards evoking love and self-worth stirred the heart strings reminding us of the importance of family and friends.  Thanks to all for thinking of Mario on his birthday in your own unique ways. Your support means a lot to the newlyweds, soon to lose their title.

One of our favorite people also has June birthday which and hopefully you also remembered.   Maid of the Mist had a special milestone birthday which she and Tom Often Wise celebrated in St. Simons Island.  She does not look her years, so you will have to guess which milestone she has reached.  Since it is still June, it is not too late to wish her a happy birthday if you have not done so.

More Cards and Well Wishes
Mr. FOG enjoys the get well cards so much.  Although he tries not to play favorites, he had to feature the Mean Nurse card on the Blog.  The Mean Nurse on the card looks as if she means business and perhaps enjoys bringing pain and discomfort to others.  Fortunately the health care providers we have had so far have been nice and empathic of any distress cancer treatments and test may cause a patient.  Our own Nurse Sherry can be strict, but she is not mean, nor enjoys bringing discomfort of others.  The Mean Nurse card was balanced out by nice puppies, pretty flowers and festive balloons on the other get well cards.  Now forewarned, thanks to the card, the Lord and Butler will be on the lookout for Mean Nurse in all the hospital and doctor’s offices they visit and be ready to run should we see her or someone like her. Does Mean Nurse look like anyone we know????

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Judi described herself as a life-long Democrat
On Friday, Mario was released from Chemo Number 7 prison and will be on probation for hopefully only a week or so, as the post chemo symptoms subside.  So far Chemo Number 7 has been kind.  The only two noteworthy events have been an in-hospital blood transfusion and a very low blood pressure (hypotension) reading.  Here is a link on to help understand your blood pressure.  http://www.medicinenet.com/low_blood_pressure/article.htm 

The blood transfusion had been anticipated by Mr. FOG, thinking we were due for one.  Perhaps having received a transfusion in the hospital will avoid getting one before Chemo Number 8.  The hypotension tension was less anticipated.  His Lordship usually has a lower blood pressure and a faster heart rate.  In contrast , Mr. FOG has a higher blood pressure, around the pre-hypertension level, but a lower pulse/heart rate.   Each of us is a bit different and the body compensates between blood pressure and pulse/heart rate to mainatain a balance.  It may be a good idea for you to know what is normal for you.  In any event Mario was being watched.  A danger of hypotension is a fainting spell and the possible resulting fall.  In hindsight, perhaps the Prickly Pear Margarita blamed for an the earlier fainting spell, was not the true culprit and was instead due to hypotension caused by an unknown underlying cause.  We will address this when we meet with Dr. Tran this week.

Epworth Methodist Church
Mr. FOG decided that he wanted to attend the church service remembering his friend’s Judith’s life, and arrived at Vinings Mountain Castle on Saturday, a day early.  Lord and Nurse also decided that they too wanted to attend the service, and Lord, Nurse and Butler went together, with Nurse Sherry serving as the chauffer.  Judith’s bon voyage service was at a small Methodist neighborhood church very near to her home.  .  When her husband Tom retired, Judith needed some away time and worked as the church secretary.  She found a warm home in this loving Christian community in a neighborhood filled with Arts and Cranfts bungalows. 

Aware of what may come and wishing to help loved ones to whom this task would fall on; Judith, a life-long Democrat, or so she described herself; organized much of her memorial service.   The church was decorated with much of her work.  Mr. FOG has always liked her needle work cartoons, but she also worked in oil and other media .  Her needlework “cartoons” were displayed in the window niches of the church.  With FOG’s Catholic upbringing, they looked a little like the Stations of the Cross.  Strangely, it all seemed very appropriate. 

 Her cartoon needlework art is similar to a New Yorker cartoon, but done with needle and thread on linen instead of pen and ink on paper.  Her humor, was to capture an aspect of an individual’s character, usually a flaw or quirky attribute, and make a self revealing comment about the person, a situation in life, or whatever caught her eye..  . 

The needlework art , which is hard to read in the picture, is of a woman, who decided that she could not afford or go through the pain of cosmetic surgery.  Instead it was far easier and cheaper for her to assume the persona of drum majorette.  Perhaps this was a private fantasy, since to FOG the majorette looks a little like Judith.
Being a bit of a Francophile, Mr. FOG’s favorite Judi needle cartoon was an image of a woman wearing a  beret, lounging in the bed of cheap motel smoking a cigarrette .  Unable to afford a trip to Paris, periodically she goes to motel across town and imagines that she is in Paris.  A small Eiffel Tower replica on top of the television, with perhaps Edith Piaf  singing in the background completes the fantasy. 

Judy was known to use herself and friends in her art, both as models and for ideas.  Mr. FOG always looked to see which of his character flaws  she might have captured in her art.  So far FOG has not found any of his flaws depicted   but she is clever enough to hide them well and sometimes we really can't see ourselves.

Judith had a very nice send off.  Of course Mr. FOG shed discreet tears for a friend taken away. Friends and family were invited to tell stories about Judi and remembrances of her life was well represented by Phillip speaking for her many Alabama cousins: Bab’s, Tom’s sister; neighbors, golf instructors; Tommy the lawyer, one her traveling companions; church members, and friends from Coca Cola.  She left us much too soon, but this is something we can’t control in life.  Tired after a long drive and Mario just getting out of Chemo; Lord, Nurse and Butler slipped away at the end of the service and passed up the Honey Baked Ham buffet set up in the fellowship hall.  A long line of well-wishers were paying their respects to Tom he husband.  He seemed to be holding up well. 
Taking Our Blood Pressure
Concerned about the hypotension,  on the way home the trio stopped at CVS for a free blood pressure test. Nurse Sherry and Mr. FOG were on the high side (hypertesion) and the Lordship was on the low side (hypotension) 
The normal is 120/80 and the pulse rate can range from about 60 to 100.  However what is "normal" can vary greatly by individual..   Our results were:   Lord's BP 107/68 pulse 122; Sherry's BP 131/86 pulse 77; FOG's BP 151/84 pulse 58.We will monitor the situation.
Mario takes his BP while Nurse Sheery Looks On
Nurse Sherry Takes her BP while his Lordship Looks On

FOG takes his BP, Photgraphy by Sherry

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Chemo Number 7

Mario checked into Piedmont Hospital for Chemo #7 on Monday and will be there through Friday June 8.  The long-awaited PET scan, which was to be after Chem #6. did not happen.  You may recall Maid of Mist’s happy report at the results of the last PET scan done in late February.  The tumor had been greatly reduced after two Chemo treatments, going from the size of a baseball to golf ball sized.  He was scheduled for the PET scan on Monday to assess the extent of the tumor after 6 chemo treatments, but the machine was broken.  It is uncertain when he will have the PET scan since it is not going to be used determine the remaining Chemo treatment, only to assess how much, if any, of the cancerous tumor remains.  Likely he will have this test in July after Chemo #8, along with an MRI of the upper thigh and liver, to gauge the full effects of the chemotherapy and help the oncology radiologist plan Mario’s radiation treatments.  

Not being with the Lord and Nurse, I do not have the insight I normally have on the goings on.  I am told that they had a nice Memorial Day.  Please keep in mind that Mr. FOG will return on Monday June 11 and the timing of any food gifts for around this time will be greatly appreciated.

Concrete slab and retaining wall
Asheville Update
Mr. FOG has had a very time back home getting back to his normal routine which includes yoga, working on his yard, the occasional beer at the local bar, reading, etc.  It is a simple, but happy life.  The car stays parked and he walks everywhere.  He has added a concrete slab to be covered in slate tile and built a small retaining wall in his small back yard as the area is slowly being transformed into a courtyard garden.

Birds at backyard feeder
Mr FOG has set up bird feeders for his enjoyment and to help hungry birds who have lost habitat to the urban landscape.  The one in the backyard is on high pole and the one in the front is on a tree.  The feeders attract cardinals, doves, blue jays, sparrows, finches, and other birds that MR. FOG can’t identify.  Watching the birds during the afternoon happy hour is a nice activity.

The neighbors across the street have gotten a male cat who is young and sometimes likes to explore Mr. FOG’s yard.   Mr. FOG noticed that the cat likes to sit under the tree feeder and look at the birds as they perch on the tree, fluttering from limb to limb.  The cat, sans the alcoholic beverage, seems to enjoy watching birds as much as FOG.  Mr. FOG was not overly concerned, thinking the birds could see the cat and would not be foolish enough to light on the ground and eat fallen seed while the cat was there.  Mr. FOG did see, when birds where not around, the cat jump and actually reach the bird feeder.  He thought he should raise the feeder further off the ground, but it was already between 6 and 7 feet high.  Previously he had only squirrel issues with the feeder.  One clever squirrel, unable to eat the food directly from the feeder given a weight closure mechanism, scoops the seed out which falls to the ground and then goes and gets the fallen seed.

Criminal Cat at base of tree with bird feeder
Last Thursday’s afternoon’s happy hour was marred by a bird killing (aviacide, birdacide??). The cat was waiting and watching at the base of the tree clearly visible to Mr. FOG and presumably also to the birds.  Mr. FOG brought his drink and was also waiting and watching, as the cat was, for the bird show.  Pretty multi-colored finches usually come to this feeder in the afternoons, or at least Mr. FOG thinks that they are finches.  Usually about six birds would come to feed at the same time.

This afternoon only one beautiful blue finch came.  He/She perched on a branch for a moment and then went to the feeder.  The cat was clearly visible but was still as a stone and focused only the bird.  Mr. Fog got up for a closer look at the pretty bird.  He was only about ten feet away on the porch and saw everthing.  He felt a slight bit of concern about the cat/bird situation, but surely the bird knew the cat was there and could easily avoid the cat.  Mr. FOG was concerned that perhaps the bird may fly to the ground, if unaware that the cat was there.  He was considering shooing away the cat, but this would also disturb the bird.  While considering his options the evetns seemed to unfold in slow motion.  As quick as a snake; the cat jumped nearly seven feet up, snatched the bird from the feeder as the bird was "taking a bite".  The cat immediiately ran away with its kill.  Mr. FOG screamed at the cat, but he was already at the property line picket fence and going full speed. 

While angry at the cat, Mr. FOG blames himself as an accessory, if not an accomplice, to this “aviacide”.  FOG lured the bird with food, knew the cat could perhaps jump the height of the feeder, and allowed the cat to remain.  FOG has since removed this tree feeder and had doused the cat twice with water to chase it away.  The cat does not seem to return to the scene of the crime.  The finches, less one, now go to the safer backyard feeder.  Ugly/Pretty Cat doesn't care about birds and was not involved in any way.  She does chase this cat away when she sees him close to her territory.

Fallen Cancer Warrior

Judith, a brave cancer warrior that I have mentioned in the Blog several times, has fallen in battle.  I have known Judith for about ten years and will miss her greatly.  She and Mario shared the same oncology practice and have run into one another during their respective treatments.  She showed courage and dignity during her two-year struggle with cancer.  Please keep her husband Tom in your thoughts and prayers.  He is a sensitive man and needs our help during this time.
Tom and Judith and found love later in live.  One of my fondest memories was a group of us going with them for pre-honeymoon dress rehearsal road trip before their wedding.  The min-van was decorated both inside and out, and “bride” and “groom” were designate in the appropriate window so that all could identify the happy couple.  Fellow road travelers honked to provide encouragement and support to the newly-weds to be.

It is impossible to capture Judith in an obituary, but following is hers: 
Judith Carolyn Simmons, 64, died on Monday, June 4, 2012 of cancer. A memorial service will be held at Epworth United Methodist Church at Candler Park in Atlanta on Saturday, June 9, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. Her family will be receiving friends at a showing of her artwork at noon preceding the Memorial Service in the main sanctuary. 
Born in Anniston, Alabama, Mrs. Simmons lived the past thirty-five years in Atlanta, Georgia. She was preceded in death by her parents, Ann and Roscoe Simmons of Anniston, Alabama. She is survived by her loving husband, Thomas Pinckney Blakely III, by her stepchildren Ami and Mark Huff, and granddaughter Grace Huff of Sugar Hill, Georgia, and by her many loving cousins and friends.
Mrs. Simmons graduated from Birmingham-Southern College and spent her career working for The Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta as a financial manager. She was an artist and a life-long Democrat.
In lieu of flowers, Mrs. Simmons' family requests that you plant a tree in her memory, or make a donation to Cancer Wellness at Piedmont, c/o manager, Carolyn Helmer, 1800 Howell Mill Rd, Suite 700, Atlanta, GA, 30318.
Epworth United Methodist Church is located at 1561 McLendon Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30307.