With a feeling
reminiscent of the end of World War II, the Cancer Nazis have been completely
defeated at Legingrad. Once again our
own star reporter Sherry Lane broke the story which has been spreading like
wildfire. Unfortunately, his Lordship
and Prince Phillip of the House of Rum and Coke may still do not know the good
news since they are fishing and are incommunicado.
Earlier this week his
Lordship went for three key tests a PET scan, MRI, and CT scan. These tests were to probe the entire body and
see what, if any, of the cancer still remained.
Earlier today, Mario’s oncologist, unable to reach Mario, called Nurse
Sherry to tell her the good news. Mario’s
oncologist and his radiologist could not be happier with the results. They scrutinized the test results and could
not find any visible traces of cancer.
Still, to make sure there are no microscopic cancer Nazi cells hiding in
an Argentine lymph node, localized radiation of the site of the former cancer
tumor will be done in August. More on
the radiation treatment and the reconstruction of Legingrad in another Blog.
On a related note, the
liver lesions detected early on and reported on this Blog are still there. As reported earlier, they were not hyper
vascular. The thinking now is that these
never were cancerous and are not a cause for concern.

The Battle for
Legingrad was not a pretty one. While nearly all Cancer
Nazis cells died, so to did untold millions of innocent civilian cells also perish, as
the Supreme Allied Commander Red Devil and his allies waged eight poisonous chemotherapy
campaigns against the Cancer Nazis.
As you can imagine, the citizen cells of Legingrad are rejoicing. Blood, nerve, muscle, fat, bone, cartilage, and just about every other cell type is celebrating of being rid of the oppresive Nazi Cancer tumor. For now the suffering is forgotten. In Legingrad the mood is
one of joy and hope as all types of cells dance, drink and celebrate the defeat of the Cancer
Mr. FOG will probably celebrate a little tonight but is unsure if it will with Jim Beam or Johnnie Walker. Perhaps both, if he paces himself.
Mr. FOG will probably celebrate a little tonight but is unsure if it will with Jim Beam or Johnnie Walker. Perhaps both, if he paces himself.
His Lordship and Nurse
Sherry already had planned a visit to the summer ancestral getaway in the
Georgian Alps. They will be joining Lady
Jane, Duchess Bettina, and Birgit, the Queen Mother, for a weekend of
relaxation to celebrate the Queen Mother's Diamond Jubilee. The Dowager Empress Ulla,
will be there in spirit only, deciding to stay in her Venetian Villa, which she
now rarely leaves. The victory in Legingrad will
certainly add to the weekend festivities.
Thanks to all of you who
prayed for Mario’s recovery. People of
many faiths have prayed for his well-being.
Sherry, Mario, and the Duffy and Artesiano families want to thank you
for your prayers and well-wishes. Maid of the Mist and Tom, the Often Wise will
be celebrating the good news, and likely Ms. Merlot and Mr. Coors will be joining them.
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