Saturday, December 15, 2012


Wanting to get a tan to see him through the winter, Mr. Fog took a cruise with his aunt, the Marquesa De Quejas.  The Marquesa had been complaining, more than normal; asking when Fog was going to visit her and where he would take her.  A cruise seemed to strike the right balance of togetherness and alone time.  We just got back from the cuise.  Both Jimmy Durante's Song of Make Someone Happy and the truism "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" are competing as to which best would characterize the trip.  

A Balcony or Verandah?

Fog would have liked a cruise with less octogenarians, although it is a two-edged sword.  One also runs the risk of being on a ship with a“party “ crowd or countless screaming children, then the octogenarians don’t  seem that bad.  Carnival, the “party” cruise line, was out, but Royal Caribean, NCL, and Princess were strong contenders.  Fog picked Holland America, since the Indonesian and Filipino crew, was more likely to be attentive to the Marquesa de Quejas, whose needs, if not great, are numerous to the point of being almost incessant.

Holland America, perhaps to set itself apart, charge more, or trick their patrons into thinking they are really royalty but were switched at birth; calls its balconies, verandahs.  In any event, FOG and Marquesa lucked out.  Between their complementary upgrades and by paying $200 more, they turned their interior cabin to a verandah cabin.  FOG did not enjoy the balcony as much as he would have liked.  He decided to have more alone time, leaving the cabin and the verandah to the Marquesa.  He sought his refuge elsewhere on the ship.  Still the verandah provided a bit more space and two very separate areas for the cruising duo, which helped. 

Please beware about overpaying for a verandah on your next cruise.  While nice and a definite plus, it is not as private as you would think.  Since your have neighbors on either side, above and below you, there are balconies and people all around you.  You may be listening to early morning phlegm coughing from the husband and complaints about prices from the wife.  This elderly couple was on the adjoining right veranda.  By their accents, they are from a Southern state, possibly from Tennessee.  Conversations, slamming doors, music, partying and arguments are not uncommon.  Still, for much of the time, the Marquesa’s balcony/verandah was a peaceful private oasis for reading, enjoying a cup of coffee or a nap.

Gift Receiving Advice

The Marquesa de Quejas had a Christmas gift waiting for Mr. FOG when he arrived in Miami.  Fearing the worst and since it was not yet Christmas, FOG did not want to open the gift.  The Marquesa, very proud of her selection, insisted; saying it was very expensive, designer-made, the latest fashion and perfect for FOG to wear on the cruise.  This should have given FOG a heads up on what awaited him.  Still no one could have been fully prepared and an “Oh my God” escaped from FOG’s mouth when he opened the box. 

The gift is perhaps best described as a “Tropical Scottish Disco Pimp Shirt”.  It has tropical colors, appropriate for a Caribbean cruise, a plaid-like pattern, and the open collar which can be adjusted to show off the wearer’s heavy a gold eagle necklace.  By leaving three or more unbuttoned buttons, the wearer can show off his chest, if worthy of exposure.  This is the type of shirt, except for the clearance racks, you see only perhaps once or twice year in public and you do a “double take”.

Given the reasonably good matching of horizontal and diagonal lines in the tailoring, the shirt likely is probably “well-made”, as the Marquesa described.  Also, supposedly, Stacy Adams is a designer of sorts--Nurse Sherry would know.  The shirt likely was expensive at one time, but when not purchased for months or perhaps years; it was likely heavily discounted to get it off the shelves.  Since a picture is worth a thousand words, FOG will let you judge for yourself, if the assessment has been too harsh, or perhaps not harsh enough. 

In gift receiving, sometimes it is best to lie and not hurt another person’s feelings, and other times it is better to say what you think and stand your ground.  A lie would mean that FOG would have to wear the shirt on the cruise.  Telling the truth, which would likely offend the Marquesa, was FOG’s only option.  FOG said politely, but firmly, that he would not /could not wear the shirt in public.  Almost sounding like Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham: --I could not wear here, I could not wear it there.  I could not wear it anywhere. 

Fortunately the Marquesa said that FOG did not have to keep the shirt and suggested that his Lordship, who apparently in her opinion has better fashion sense than FOG, might want the shirt, since this “expensive” item could not be returned.  Of course it could not be returned.  What merchant would want this item back once it left the store?  FOG jumped at her suggestion, saying he would gladly take the shirt to his Lordship.  Perhaps he can use it while golfing in Scotland??

During this holiday season, you have to decide on your own gift receiving strategy, but let FOG’s experience be a warning.

The Marquesa and FOG —A Couple???

Several times, the cruise staff, presumably due to the same last name and that they were sharing a cabin, thought that Mr.FOG and the Marquesa de Quejas were a couple.  FOG thinks of himself as a youthful looking senior.  The Marquesa is nearly eighty, significantly overweight, rocks side to side when she walks, and has a myriad of other health issues associated with old age.  Surely FOG doesn’t look as is he could her mate???  FOG may be due for some payback on this front, since in the past he has gotten the better side of the deal has been thought to be his daughter’s husband or his sons’ brother.

Lolito and the Marquesa
That left Fog with two conclusions.  He in fact looks older than he thinks and this is why the ship’s staff thought he was the Marquesa’s prince consort.  The other option, a bit better on the ego, is that the crew obviously used to seeing this before, thought FOG to be the Marquesa’s cruise gigolo.  It was the Marquesa who paid for FOG to be on the cruise, and not the other way around.  He was her plaything and admittedly FOG did feel as the Marquesa’s plaything at times.  FOG has seen older men with younger women and thought nothing of it.  The shoe is on the other foot, and FOG is now seen as a “Lolito”. But FOG is far too old to be a Lolito; a Gentleman Host sounds better.  Perhaps he should have brought and worn the Tropical Scottish Disco Pimp Shirt and truly accepted his role on this cruise.

Well enough revealing cruise stories.  What else happens on the cruise, stays on the cruise. 

We are back at the Marquesa's Villa.   With the bags not even yet unpacked, the Marquesa de Quejas is wondering where FOG will take her on the next trip.  No good deed goes unpunished, may be winning over "make someone happy".

Monday, November 5, 2012


You may remember civics class from your early school years.  It was a class that FOG vaguely remembers taking, perhaps once or twice a week.  The purpose of this class was to help instill the attributes of being a good citizen.  Well, apparently the class did not take in FOG's ase and he may now need to take a remedial refresher civics class.  Working America, a voter watchdog group, of sorts; gave FOG a below than average grade, due to his poor voting record.

FOG received his “voter’s report card” in the mail a day or so before he early voted, but did not look at it.  FOG focuses on the bills and checks that come in the mail.  He grouped this particular piece of junk mail with happy smiling children, likely from a dentist he thought, as another piece of trash mail to be perused when time permits and likely be discarded.

This year, FOG was proud of himself.  He thought hard and long about his election choices.  Although undecided for a long time, for the presidential and congressional races he had pretty much decided for whom he was voting.  But new to North Carolina,  there were so many other offices and people FOG had never heard of wanting his vote.  The candidates ranged from the Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor to the dog catcher, it seemed.

FOG thought it a mistake to take the easy way out and make one check mark and vote along straight party lines.  Votes are cast for people, not political parties.   All too often, he opines, politicians owe their allegiance to a political party and serve their party, more faithfully, than the citizenry they represent.  FOG was not going to compound this problem by voting along party lines.  Consequently, FOG, a retiree, spent nearly a full day researching the various candidates on the ballot and deciding which candidates, regardless of political party, he was going to vote for.  He may have voted correctly, or he may have voted wrong; but he made a good faith effort to be informed and vote at least semi-intelligently.  If wrong, he reasoned, others doing their civic duty, would cancel out his vote.  He felt as if he had done his civic duty and earned a gold star, or at least a silver one.

The day after he cast his early vote, he got back to the set aside junk mail.  The smiling children were not promoting a dentist, but were a “feel good” ruse image for a more ominous message.  FOG learned that he had been judged to be a below average citizen.  No gold star for him, but a lump of coal.  Foolishly, FOG had been proud of himself in taking the time to learn more about the candidates and trying to be an educated voter in 2012; yet Working America said he was below average voter.  FOG received this failing grade because he had not voted since 2009 in at least five general elections.  He voted in the 2008 presidential election, but moved to Asheville in 2009, and although registered, did not make the time to vote in the many local elections and one congressional election.  He was not informed voter about the local issues and chose not to vote.  Admittedly he could have taken the time to become more informed and vote, so he may deserve a bad grade for 2010 election.  However, five general elections from 2009 to 2012 seems like a lot of elections.

The next emotion was outrage.  Who is this Orwellian Working America that would know if FOG voted or not?  Isn’t it also an American right “not to vote”???  However, according to the Working America report card:

 Who you vote for is your secret.  But whether you vote is public record”.

 After the November election, FOG will follow-up with his County Board of Elections to determine if they released his voting information, what information is released, to whom and the rules governing the release of voter information.  FOG now fears Healthy America will also be sending him a report card for his old Personal Hygiene class if he doesn’t  wash his hands every time he goes to the bathroom.  How will they know??? Security cameras, perhaps??

Although the story could change as the facts come in, .FOG has learned or surmised the following,   Working America is affiliated with the AFL/CIO.  Since FOG lives in a heavily Democratic area, Working America likely did a mass mailing of “report cards” to the non-voters in FOG’s area to help get out the vote, which given demographics, should favor the candidates of the Democratic Party.  To be fair, Country Club America or various other organizations supporting Republican Party candidates is probably sending report cards, inflammatory statements, or something like it, to the non-voters in areas more likely to vote for Republican Party candidates. 

The Democratic Party did a very strong voter outreach effort for the 2012 election, and likely FOG got caught up in this effort.  FOG could accept his Working America report card chastisement with a little better attitude, and parhaps even contrition,  if had it been sent by an impartial organization, such as the League of Women Voters.  These organizations are apolitical and encourage people to vote and be educated voters.  Working America’s is a partisan organization whose tactics seem to be a thinly veiled piece of electioneering, disguised, to make it a more palatable “civic duty”; with a heavy dose of intrusion of privacy.  FOG does not like to be manipulated and values his privacy.  Working America violated both of these values.  He also remembers getting at least three visits to his door and two phone calls promoting Democratic candidates, and thinks the voter report card and door visits and telephone calls may be coordinated effort.  If he was on a mailing list, he could be on other lists as well.  Apparently Mitt doesn't care about FOG, so he must be in the 47 percent in the Republican's books. 
Surprisingly, FOG reflected,  the Jehovah’s Witnesses people have not visited him in nearly two months.  Perhaps they are smart enough to stay away during electioneering times.  FOG is glad the electioneering is almost over.  He would rather have the Jehovah’s Witnesses people coming to his door.  At least the purpose of the Jehovah’s Witness People’s visit is more altruistic.

This BLOG clearly falls in the “rants and raves” category, but was also posted to alert you that your voting privacy is probably not as “private” as you thought.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


FOG's Winning Tongue Pumpkin

This year Halloween was a bit slow in Asheville .  The worst of weather had gone, but it was still a bit cool, which may have kept some of the kids away. 

Luckily, FOG started his Halloween early by entering a pumpkin carving contest at a local bar.  It was a charity event, but offered a $50 bar tab to the winner.  He decided to enter the contest.

Thankfully for FOG, the completion was not fierce; and FOG's entry, a pumpkin with its tongue sticking out, surprisingly won second place.   He took his time and let his opponents drink.  He remained sober and this may have given him a competitive edge. 

The winning pumpkin was an intricate carving of lines.  It was more artistic than Halloween, and FOG could not tell what was being depicted; but it was by far, the best carving work and deserved to win 

FOG's Tongue Pumpkin just made it to second place, beating out the Hangover Vomit Pumpkin, which was carved with less care.  No picture, but this pumpkin showed a lot of creativity showing what could happen to you if you drink too much.  A shot glass, sans booze, was a prop and the pumpkin insides of mesh, flesh, and seeds were used for the vomit.  It was a very clever depiction, especially for a pumpking carving contest being held at a bar.  If possible a picture will follow. 

FOG's Halloween Porch

As runner-up, FOG got a $25 bar tab and he donated an equal amount to the charity sponsoring the event.  This was the highlight of FOG's Halloween 2012.  Rick, an amateur painter from Melbourne, Florida, deserves credit for FOG's pumpkin, since he provided artistic suggestions and critique.  Surely FOG will share the bar tab with him.

FOG proudly decorated his porch with dollar store lanterns and his winning pumpkin, but those  pesky squirrels were at it again.  One of them stole the tongue from FOG's pumpkin, ruining the effect.  FOG had used a nice tasty morsel of pumpkin flesh for the tongue and it was held by a toothpick.  A squirrel tore the tongue from the pumpkin’s mouth and was eating it when FOG caught him/her in the act.  A brief chase ensued, but the squirrel was too quick, FOG too slow, and Ugly/Pretty Cat was no help.  FOG's poor Tongue Pumpkin now has a prosthesis made from a leaf, since no pumpkin tongue donors were available.  FOG's once proud winning pumpkin looks very miserable, with missing teeth where the tongue was and a leaf in its mouth.

Pumpkin with Tonque Prosthesis
FOG opted to be Super Mario for Halloween, a change from his usual choices of military or scary outfits.  He had a nice group of trick or treaters. 

FOG does not give candy for Halloween.  The kids have enough sweets, and the parents are supposed to feed their children.  Instead FOG gives school supplies and little toys for the pre-schoolers.  The supplies are upscale, including calculators and pencil bags.  The kids are not too disappointed, the parents are happy, and FOG feels better about not contributing to cavities and childhood obesity.
Super Mario with Fulton Street Trick Or Treaters

Sunday, October 21, 2012


After the St. Simons Island wedding, FOG was not ready to call it quits and go back home just yet.  The stop was sort of on the way back home to Asheville; so he added a visit to small town North Carolina, home to Tom the lawyer’s parents.  Tom’s parents live where North and South Carolina meet the ocean not too far from Wilmington, NC. 

As many other American small towns, it is a place that has probably seen its best days already and is unlikely to ever see them again.  There is no industry to speak off, the few young people leave to go elsewhere for jobs, and the downtown is boarded up or under-utilized.  While all of this may not sound as a place one would want to visit; it was a fun stop.  Tom has really nice parents, and it is a quiet, peaceful place with wonderful people.

Kayak Hillbilly

The lead photo selected for this BLOG is entirely the credit/fault of Herman, Tom the lawyer’s Dad.  He wanted to put Eloise, his wife of 60 plus years, up on Mr. FOG’s kayak which was on the roof of the Honda Element, a la the Beverly Hillbillies, for a picture.  If it were not dangerous, he probably would have wanted to her to ride up there around town.  Doing this seemed totally inappropriate to FOG and it was not mentioned to Eloise. The trio compromised on a picture with props around the kayak and Honda Element, sans a Granny Eloise Clampett.  Fog thought that it could have been a Grandpa Herman Clampett on top and the effect would have been similar.

Herman cleverly thought of an intriguing image with the analogy of a rocking chair on top of an old truck; to that of a kayak on the top of the Element.  However, FOG subsequently wondered if Herman's comparison was insulting FOG’s Element and kayak combination as being hillbilly, redneck, or even white trash???   FOG thought he looked cool with kayak and Element, perhaps not??
As an aside, the Clampett truck, which is actually owned by Pearl, Jethro’s mother; is said to be a 1922 or 1923 Buick flatbed truck.

Elderberry Wine Anyone??

FOG’s first day in small town North Carolina was co-incidentally the third Tuesday of the month, fortuitously for  FOG.  This is the day the Elderberries get together for their monthly meeting.  The Elderberries is an amalgamation of Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian seniors who get together for camaraderie and fun.  They were meeting at the Chadbourn Baptist church, in the old sanctuary--for Catholics the old church--which became the fellowship hall--for Catholics the parish hall--, when the new church was built in the early 1960’s. 

Let this BLOG section serve as a warning, lest you make the same mistake when attending inter-denominational gatherings.  FOG, a vino-phile and proud of it, thought that possibly the “Elderberries” name might be wine related.  He remembered the old movie of Arsenic and Old Lace, where the elderly spinster sisters, Cary Grant called them "maiden", which sounds much nicer; served elderberry wine laced with arsenic to old men, whom they thought were ready to have peace their lives. It was a sort of Dr. Kevorkian, euthanasia, although Kevorkian’s “victims/patients” asked for help to end their lives, and these men did not.  A big difference.  Perhaps there was a subliminal  euthanasia facet to the Elderberries, FOG wondered.

To make small talk and satisfy his curiosity, FOG politely asked the Baptist church Secretary if elderberry wine had any connection to the Elderberries’ name.  He could tell from the expression on her face, that this was not a good question.  FOG then remembered, belatedly, that Baptists and Methodists don’t drink.  He is not sure about the Presbyterians.
Tom’s dad stepped in, to save FOG from the horrible vino faux pas, saying that Chadbourn, the strawberry capital of North Carolina, although now only a shade of its former self, was the source of the name.  “Berry” from the town’s strawberry fame, and “elder” from the senior title that its many aging members proudly hold.  FOG accepted this.  Thank-you Herman. 
With eternal spring optimism, FOG still hoped that elderberry wine, sans the arsenic of course, might be served during or after the meal in the Baptist Fellowship Hall.  Isn't elderberry wine sort of like communion wine. Water and tea, both sweet and unsweetened were served.   FOG chose the water which was very good.
Perhaps to make up for no elderberry wine, the Elderberries had a wonderful food.  A selection of homemade church-social foods was served, reminding FOG of a time gone by.  No fusion cooking, Rachael Ray, or Emeril here, but recipes from 20 or 30 years ago that one would find in the women’s magazines.  It was like stepping back in time.  One tasty offering was Ritz crackers crumbled into something with cheese.  FOG had two helpings this one.  He also had a green thing that he has not tasted in years, but his taste buds remembered tasting this one sometime in his life. The Elderberries do know how to cook. 

The luncheon program was combination of faith and fun.  The program director put together three videos for the day’s program.  The first, a moving spiritual about entrusting our lives to Jesus’s hands and the other two, featured a favorite, well-known North Carolinian story teller called Jeanne Robertson.  One of her videos was about taking a Baptist going to Las Vegas and another about a hussy.  The very provocative titles surely piqued the interest of the attendees, perhaps hoping for something scandalous.  For the December meeting, the Elderberries will take the church bus to Wilmington for a Christmas activity to be selected.  If possible, FOG will try to return to Chadbourn on the third Tuesday of the month when the Elderberries meet. Here is a link to Robertson and one of Mr. FOG’s favorites stories:  "Men Don't Know the Style in NYC"   Listen to all of of it.  The punch line is at the end.

NOTE:  After doing chores later in the day, MR. FOG was still feeling short changed in going to an Elderberry function and not getting any elderberry wine.   He decided to have an especially generous happy hour to make up for this.  Things in FOG’s universe tend to balance out.

County Programs for the Aging

The next day included another free meal at the Chadbourn Senior Center.  A county supported program, seniors, regardless of income, are offered a subsidized lunch.  It provides a balanced meal, since many elderly living alone find it hard to cook.  The communal lunch also offers the companionship of others, including people he recognized from the the Elderberry luncheon the day before.  It is of course small town USA.  Jane, a neighbor of Tom’s parents, played the piano.  Since FOG is a country western music aficionado, and her repertoire included “Don’t Fence Me In”, this is what she played.   Fog and the other seniors used to know the words, but had somehow forgotten them over the years.  Good thing that for the most part,  Jane still knew which notes to play.
The trip to small town America ended much too soon.  While not its former self, small towns are getting by and still offer a peaceful oasis as alternative to city live.  One wonders how long they can last.


Friday, October 19, 2012


MR. FOG Before and After Pictures
While Anna and Dan’s wedding was certainly Dufferific, or was it Beaverfabulous; Mr. FOG gained weight.  When he returned home and weighed himself, he had gained three pounds.  Understandably one indulges more when one is away for home and having a good time.  Guess it was payback time. 

However FOG is not a pig-a-thus and at St Simons he was kayaking 4 to 5 miles a day.  He thought moderation in eating/drinking and exercise would have been enough to offset the rich wedding foods and booze.   In moment of fantasy he thought perhaps the weight gain perhaps was good, since it could be muscle.  His chest and shoulders appeared to be millimeters larger, but his love handles grew by inches.  A comparison of before and after nude picture told him all he needed to know. 

 MR. FOG is considering his legal options and a class action lawsuit is certainly a possibility if enough other wedding goers also gained weight.  The case would be a difficult one.  No one forced Mr. FOG to eat and drink at the various Beaver/Duffy Wedding official wedding activities.  Also the weight gain could have resulted from the many “unofficial “ wedding activities he also attended.  However, if enough wedding attendees also had a wedding weight gain, class action lawsuit has a chance.   If you think you are potential class action member, please post a comment with your weight gain.  A photograph showing proff of your weight gain would be good evidence. 

At the very minimum, some form of disclosure may be necessary for the Beaver/Duffy and other wedding organizer to limit their liability in this type of situation.  Perhaps wedding invitations, as cigarettes so, should be required to have a weight gain warning.  Something like:

 General and Mrs. Smith cordially invite you
 to the wedding of their daughter Betty-Lou Smith
to Mr. Bubba Whatever, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeb Clampett
You may attend if you wish, but
 you run the risk of gaining weight.

 Best you not attend and just send well-wishes if
you can’t control your gluttony or gain weight easily”.

Alternatively, a more discrete way for wedding organizer to handles this situation, may be to post g the caloric information in wedding programs, or where the food and beverages are being served, much as McDonald’s now does:

Chocolate Wedding Cake-- 800 calories per slice,
Bourbon and Coke-- 300 calories,

FOG will be exercising and back to his normal eating schedule and this may help to get his weight back down, just weeks before the holidays.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Party Duffeaver Style

Take This, Drink This, Call Taxi
Love, Duffeaver
Mr. FOG felt silly carrying a box of Duffeaver water bottles behind a frantic barefoot Bride distributing water. But she needed the help and he gladly helped Anna on her mission of mercy delivering the life-saving Duffeaver water to the guests. They would need the water and Advil to help avoid the Duffeaver hangover in the morning. FOG had paced himself and had no hangover problems, but hopefully the Bride and Groom took a few bottles of the Duffeaver hangover antidote for themselves. Sorry no pictures of this Bride mission of mercy and a FOG Gunga Din.

After the serene Epworth by the Sea wedding, the reception was a marked contrast.  It all began innocently enough, in a semi-open airy location near the St. Simons Island's historic lighthouse. Tranquil evening views of the ocean lulled you into a comfort zone, especially if you had at least a couple of drinks. 

The really party took off as the DJ increased the music's tempo.  Moving on from the romantic dances and oldies to the rap, hip-hop, classic rock, requests, etc; and the party's tempo increased .  Whatever the DJ played, the crowd ate it up and wanted more.

BLOG NOTE:  "Duffeaver" may may catch on as new word in our vocabulary.  Make up your own definition.  FOG can play this game and came up with "Beaduffer."

Anna and Dan share the first dance, and

Mother and Son also share a special dance together.


In the beginning, the DJ starts playing "old" songs, which brings outs the parents to the dance floor.  Mr. FOG was lured by "Devil with the Blue Dress".     Click on the link, dance at home and remember the moment.  Having a drink might help. 

Anna Duffeaver recruited all the "Carolina Girls" for a dance-along to the song with the same name.
She had a lot of takers, plus converts from other states.  Is there a Pennsylvania Girl perhaps???  Get a drink, kick off your shoes and you too can be a Carolina Girl, or if you are a guy; you can wish you had a Carolina girl, as lucky Dan now does.

The Party Frenzy Begins Soon after "Carolina Girl",  The Groom takes a breather with his wife and friends.  He has to pace himself for the wedding night, still to come.

Below is The Last BLOG picture of the Beaver/Duffy Wedding Party Goers follows.  Grab another Drink and Listen to

,The party goers made very good use of the open bar and the ladies took off those good looking but uncomfortable for standing and dancing shoes and went pedi-au-naturale to be able to really get down.  Some ladies, having done this before, planned ahead and had gotten a pedicure and nicely painted toe nails. 

The Beaver/Duffy Wedding Reception open bar shut down and the DJ played the last song, still in the mood, the party moves to Brogens.   The die hard party goers lasted until 2:00 am, or so I am told,  when the Beaver/Duffy wedding guests closed  the place down and finally went home. 

 THE BLOG hears many conflicting reports of about the Brogens after party.  By this time Mr. FOG is safely  tucked in bed with the Carolina Girl song still in his mind.  However, if the rumors are true:  Who would think it would be necessary for the BLOG to say "What happens in St. Simons, stays in St. Simons" 

 It was a wedding reception not to be forgotten, a real good Duffeaver, is was it a Beaduffer.


Saturday, October 13, 2012


Two Pairs of Shoes, One Closet

Around 1:00 pm on the Wedding Day I was scared for the Beaver/Duffy Wedding.  Although the forecast had only a 10% chance of rain, dark  threatening clouds were moving in.  Even if the rain held off, the wedding pictures would not be as good on an overcast day.   It actually did shower a bit, but almost miraculously, around 3:00 the weather cleared and some of the sun shine returned.  Plus the stormy weather brought a strong wind that helped to blow away any no-see-ums that were preparing to attack the guests.
Epworth by the Sea looked lovely.  The peaceful Methodist retreat welcomed all the faiths gathered for the ceremony.  You can feel that this  is a special place. 

Reverend Randy did a fabulous job calming a nervous couple.      The Brozard children, Grace, the flower girl;  and Logan, the ring bearer, nearly stole the show.  Liza, the Maid of Honor;  Tom, the Best Man; Kaitlin, Sherry, and Keili, the Bridesmaids; Alex, Mario, and Phil, the Groomsmen rounded out the wedding party.  Bucky and Brian, the ushers, kept all going smoothly.  The ceremony also included  a very nice violin solo by Leigh Ann; Don, the Bride's Uncle, read a passage from the Bible on marriage; and Sandy, the Grooms' cousin, a poem on love.

In that special place that is Epworth, many must have felt Sherry Lumpkin, The Groom's recently departed Aunt; and the Grooms' maternal and paternal grandparents, the Gabrielsens and Neil Duffys.  All were watching from above in quite satisfaction. 

Pictures often speak louder than words, and this is one of those times. 

Mr. and Mrs. Anna and Dan Duffy

Bridal Party Getting Ready




Bride's Mother and Grandmother
The Bridal Party and Family Traveling, St.Simons Island Style

Bridesmaids and Maid of Honor


Bride's Paternal Grandparents
Grooms Parents--Mother of the Groom wearing a stunning Chanel dress




Clever table decorations were used at the rehearsal dinner in the evening.  Family picture centerpieces with Anna and Dan at various ages during those important formative childhood years.  FOG liked age seven--a He-Man beach-going Dan and a confident gymnast for Anna.

Well, let's start the day at the beginning.  Today, Friday October 12, the day before the wedding  was very busy for the wedding party.  There was a bridesmaid luncheon, golf outing, the wedding rehearsal and then the rehearsal dinner.  Colonel Gary said it was a tight fit to get 18 holes of golf, change, make the rehearsal on time, get to the rehearsal dinner and still look good and refreshed.  Somehow all the guests seemed to do this and all looked great and relaxed.  Check out our three  generations of golfers who got spiffed up for the rehearsal diner and a group picture.


FOG slept late and skipped the golf, kayaking, beach fun, bridesmaid luncheon, and wedding rehearsal and took a day off.  He went to Walmart for cheap gas and a casting net.  He has seen people throwing nets from piers or wading in a bit at low tide using these nets to catch fish, mostly small ones.  FOG does not have the patience it takes for pole fishing and thought he would want to try to the net approach.  Perhaps the net can be cast from the kayak in better fishing spots that the fishermen on foot can’t get to. 
Also with the net, he might be able to circumvent the live shrimp bait rip off.  The fish won’t be getting the high priced shrimp but may get live minnow bait, if FOG or His Lordship become proficient with the net.  The economy is rough, and if these fish were used to getting Kobe steaks; they are going to be getting ground hamburgers from now on, and like it. 

Brunswick Manor
While off the island, FOG also took a quick tour of Brunswick.  While St. Simons Island is much more scenic, Brunswick is worth a drive by and maybe a lunch stop.  He stopped by a bed and breakfast in the historic district that he has been meaning to try, but the opportunity has not presented itself.

Rehearsal Dinner

The rehearsal dinner was held at Village Creek Landing, a gorgeous location at the edge of the marsh that separates St. Simons from Sea Island.  Since we were having such good weather, tables and a bar had been set up outside.  Passed around were a fried coconut shrimp with panko bread crumbs in sweet and sour sauce.  They were delicious. We had drinks and mingled before it was dinner time; and a University of Georgia corn hole game, a Tom, Earl of Coors Light gift to the couple, was set up.  The kids had a great time with it.  Tom the Often Wise welcomed the guests on behalf of the Duffy clan and Reverend Randy said grace and we shortly sat down for the meal, some guests inside and others outside. 

Anna and Dan; Jane, the Bride's Mother; Reverend Randy Hall;
and our hosts, the Duffy's Bj and Tom


At these events there are sometimes problems with wedding crashers.  Usually in small hometown weddings once knows most all the guests and this does not happen.  However with two extended families from different states it is difficult to identify for an intruder.  Unfortunately we had two intruders at the rehearsal dinner.  The first wedding crashers were the raccoons that frequent the area.  These were not really a problem, they only eat a little of the leftovers, but the no-see-ums were another matter.  Just as dinner started they came out in full force.  The clever guests had bug spray which helped a bit.  Other guests escaped to dining room, deciding that al fresco dining was not going to work with these un-invited critters.   In the big picture these creatures are part of the food chain, as apparently we are to them also, and they did leave us alone while we were having our drinks. Also we were on the edge of a marsh.  We crashed their party, not the other way around.  In a strategic retreat, all the guests followed the bar which was moved to the indoor space for the toasts and video presentation.   Leaving the al-fresco dinning to the no-see-ums or whatever they were.

BLOG ALERT:  Epworth by the Sea may also have insect wedding crashers.  Please come prepared.  Jack Lumpkin pointed out that he has no such critters at his place and this due to the a natural immunity of residents.  Frankly I think he pays protection money to this insect mafia to keep his place safe.

Inside, the festivities continued with walk down memory lane and toasts.  Three videos showing Anna growing up at various ages. the same for Dan, and then the two of themn together.  In Anna's childhood video we of course saw Jane and Gary, Anna's parents; but also pictured was Momma Jane, and she looked very good in her swim suit.  Dan's formative years video followed, showing a feisty boy with loving parents and often he was pictured with his big brother Tom and sister, Sherry.  It seemed as now, the siblings very close to one another.  The last picture montage was of Dan and Anna together.  FOG was spechless.  It was all very well done and added a very nostagic view of how our children grow up and start therir own lives.  

The toasts were next.  But the toasting and well-wishing was only part of what was said.  Funny stories, remembrances and personal sharing of emotions about Anna and Dan.  Our Toastmasters included:  Mario, USMC Don, Kaitlin, Sherry, Jack Lumpkin, Bucky, Ellen,  and several others.  If you did not get your chance to share with happy couple at the rehearsal dinner;  you may get a second one at the reception.

A very good evening ws had by all.