With the upcoming wedding of Anna and Dan, Mr. FOG is
concerned that he will have to give up his “FOG” title. Given that a FOG title has been bestowed on him for
the Sherry and Mario nuptials, should Mr. FOG be required pass on the coveted Mr.
FOG title to Tom Duffy, the new father of the groom????. Understandably Tom may deserve recognition as
the new father of the groom, but Mr. FOG does not want to give up his Mr. FOG title. Mr. FOG has served faithfully for eight
months representing FOG principles in an exemplary manner.
is asking you our faithful Blog readers to help in find Tom a new title that appropriately recognizes
his role, as the father of the groom, and yet allows Mr. FOG to keep the coveted
“Mr. FOG” title.
Tom, the new father of the groom to be, has been
called Tom ” the Often Wise”, since Tom often knows the answer to obscure questions
that nobody knows during our Trivial Pursuit games. He is also lovingly called Big Tom, by Maid
of the Mist. The BLOG is looking to our loyal readers to help
come up with a nick name for Tom, to recognize his stately position as father
of the groom for the upcoming wedding of his son Dan to Anna. Perhaps it will stick and last. To help you, here is a picture of Tom with
Sherry. Please come up with something
worthy of such a distinguished looking man.
Cancer Update
Yesterday was a great day.
So far Chemo #6 has been very kind to us. Mario worked most of Wednesday at his
office. It was good for him to be with colleagues
in a work setting again. Perhaps we are
starting to get back to normal. He was at
the office about 11 hours. Mario started
the day early and stayed late Perhaps it was too long, but he was OK and Mr.
FOG was close by and he has good friends at AT&T able to help, should he feel badly. Mr.
FOG picked him up at after his yoga class around 7:00 pm and his Lordship
joined FOG and his friends, Tom the Lawyer and Tom B, a longtime friend and
yoga devotee for dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. Sorry, Mr. FOG forgot his camera, but this
time we did not have a Prickly Pear Margarita experience. Tom B. and Lord Mario share a passion
for golf and told tales of courses they played and would like to play at. For the time being playing at the Master in Augusta did not seem likely for the men.
Please include Judi S. in your prayers. She is Tom B’s wife and as Mario, she is also dealing with cancer issues.
Today on Thursday, we went early to get blood work to see if
a transfusion would be needed before Chemo #7.
Mario’s red cell blood counts dropped a bit from Tuesday but were still
in the OK range. The white blood cell
count dropped to same low levels he has had before, but he has been taking an anti-biotic which
may be helping the fevers and chills, which so far he has eluded. Mario
has been eating better in the last couple of days and went from 213 to 217. Mr. FOG also gained, going from 167 to 169.
Mr. FOG will be heading back to Asheville, and Lord and
Nurse have Memorial Day Weekend plans.
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