Day Two of the "New Orleans or Bust Tour" was a day that started out slow, and went late into the night.
Both Lord and Butler stayed in bed until late morning. FOG enjoys seeing the barges move up and down the Mississippi in the early morning fog, but missed this on Day Two. He saw the barges later in the day and it was not the same.
He remembers his first time to New Orleans. Every morning before heading off to work, he would enjoy a cup of coffee sitting in his room watching the river traffic.
Awake, but not wishing to disturb the Laird he stayed in bed half asleep and missed the morning mist barge traffic. Finally Lord and Butler got up and started their day. Both had in-room coffee, but the Butler got the left over welcome fruit and went exploring a bit while the Laird worked in the room.
Still not having their Po-Boy addiction satisfied, they went again searching for the perfect New Orleans Po Boy for lunch. Another limo driver recommendation, they went to a hole in wall restaurant near the Inter Continental Hotel and found a better Po Boy than the one at Acme’s.
A short walk back to the hotel, the Laird went back to work, and the Butler went to the hotel’s roof top pool to take pictures and catch some rays.
Mario stayed at the hotel during the afternoon, telephone conferencing and meeting with colleagues at the meeting/work conference room. After a reasonable wait and the Laird was still at work, the Butler took this as sign that he was free to take off. He rode the free ferry to Algiers across the Mississippi River. He wanted to take the ferry to Gretna, a longer trip under a huge bridge, but ferry service there was not available. He settled for the shorter trip to Algiers, just across the river from French Quarter.

Often on these travel trips, doing things such as everyday people do, tell you more about a city than the tourist stuff. New Orleans is a city where the people are not afraid to be themselves. All too often we conform to what society tells us we should be like. The price of doing this is that we lose ourselves in an artificial identity. In the Big Easy, people are not afraid to be themselves. Consequently , and perhaps assisted by alcohol, the people images from New Orleans may be more un-conventional. The ferry had the higher rollers in cars, and more bohemian passengers on foot or bicycle.
Over-dressed, Mr. Fog did not fit in. He looked like a tourist. Better to blend in next time, he thought.
The clouds had started to roll in and sun in wrong position so the city pictures were not good, but it was an interesting ride. After a quick stroll along the Riverwalk and a pciture, he headed back to the Westin Hotel.
Back at the hotel, the Laird wanted dinner, but FOG was still full and his stomach was rumbling from too much Crystal Tabasco Sauce in his Po Boy.
Serendipitously, a solution developed, Mario’s boss called the room to see if Mario wanted to go an Emeril’s restaurant for dinner. After a brief pow-wow, FOG begged off on dinner and Mario went with colleagues for dinner.
Mr. FOG decided to take a nocturnal stroll down the Sodom and Gomorrah called
Bourbon Street. Again overdressed, he ventured out. Still early, he was spared the worst that Bourbon Street offered. Mr. FOG would have to remember to go later in the evening next time.
Bourbon Street was back to what Mr. FOG remembered. Even on a Tuesday night it was busy, although some bars were nearly empty, the street was semi-full with party goers, performers, and vendors. .
Mr. Fog has been trying to understand what Mario does for a living. Apparently part of his job is to manage contractual agreements between his company and sporting organizations.
To maintain the value of sponsorship of sporting events, organizations limit who and how their logos can be used. For example Coca Cola is a sponsor of the Final Four, and its use of the NCAA logo is authorized. This is good for the both Coca Cola and the NCAA. Collegiate basketball fan will presumably look more favorably on Coca Cola products and choose Coke over other beverages. Except perhaps beer.
Likewise the NCAA benefits, probably mostly monetarily in allowing the use of its logo to an approved sponsor who uses the logo in an appropriate manner reflecting well on the NCAA, participating schools, and collegiate basketball.
Understandably, Mr. FOG was shocked when he saw the NCAA logo being used by a
Bourbon StreetTittie Bar.
Mr. FOG is not a prude, but wondered how Rick's Saloon could be a Final Four, NCAA sponsor.
The obvious answer is that they were not a sponsor.
Much a pirating occurs in the recording industry, the bar used a very similar but counterfeit NCAA Final Four logo. This is done to hopefully attract basketball fans to their establishment.
A strong argument could be made that titties, beer, or both, and not the NCAA logo would attract Bourbon Street patrons to Rick's Saloon, which also promises sports and fun. Nonetheless, although only covered titties were shown on the sign, this seemed to be an inappropriate use of the NCAA logo and Mr. Fog took a picture.
Mr. FOG is considering what to do with this information. The bar's purloined NCAA logo of the Final Four is similar, but not the same, as the official NCAA Final Four logo. FOG's options seem to be
reporting the bar to the NCAA,
bringing this matter to the attention of the bar in the hope of making the situtation right,
blackmailing the bar and receiving free beer as a price for his silence, or
doing nothing and enjoing Rick's Saloon for what it is.
Fog may go back again tonight to Bourbon Street as he ponders his options, looking for more violations.
After a beer , at another bar, and listening to some music, Mr. FOG made it back to hotel and his Lordship arriving soon after. A good time was had by both Lord and Butler. Possibly though, if Rick's Saloon's promises are to believed, its patron's had the most fun!